Thursday, February 14, 2013

FINDING FABULOUS in Blairsville...

I thought I'd share a special treat with you talented friend's amazing art projects and furniture transformations! Isn't this chaise above exquisite?! Lolly Sesco opened her shop here in our hometown less than a year ago. She's since relocated to the town square and has found even more fans and customers for her upcycling projects. She's VERY creative and her talent continues to bloom. She does all of the upholstering, sewing, painting, etc. I am posting some recent photos of her wares. You can find more about her store, FINDING FABULOUS, on fb. I have a link posted on the side of my blog here under AMAZING FOLKS I FOLLOW. If you find something you can't live without and you don't live near here, give her a call and work something out! If you haven't been to the shop and you do live nearby...what are you waiting for?!!! ENJOY :-)